Sunday, February 24, 2008


I can't believe I forgot to blog this the other day - OK, a little background first. So, I have a lot of scrap people that I talk to on a pretty regular basis and there are some that I am closer to than others. One that I am becoming pretty tight with is a pal I met through an online message board for mom's with babies born in the month of July. She and I both shared the digital scrapbook addiction, and thus began talking. I stopped frequenting that website, and she noticed I was gone. She asked where I was, and a girl who is from my area let me know. I sent her an email, and we have been chatting it up almost daily since then.

The reason for the background is to tell you that she and I instant message often when we are scrapping, sending each other photobucket links to say "What do you think?" and get some feedback.

She was checking out my blog one day last week, and she was looking at the layouts from our snow day. She pointed out to me that in the Layout called "Playing with daddy" the ends of the y's look like little peters! Now, everytime I see that layout... I just think of little peters! ROFLMAO!

You want to go look now don't you? What is the most funny is that is SOOOOO my sense of humor, and I am not sure she even knew that when she sent me the IM! Hysterical.

I meet the best people online, I swear!


JustKelly said...

ROTFLMAO OMG I so looked and they SO DO!! That's pretty funny ;D

Thanks for the comment about my new nephew BTW :D

Christie said...

Ok so I read this the other day and my face turn brigh red-I have such a DIRTY MIND!!! It's turning red again....ugh! Glad I gave you a good laugh. lol