Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another Maddie-ism

This morning I gave her a sippy cup full of milk. She is half asleep, walks into the living room, climbs on the couch and sits the sup on the end table.

The cup is wobbling back and forth like a penndulum.

She looks at it with a very serious face, and says, "Settle down, just settle down!"

Guess I must say that too much!

Funny joke I had to share.....

And for my daily Cleveland visitors, I bring you a joke :)


How do you get a Cleveland Brown to stop masterbating????

You paint his dick black and gold, and he will never beat it again!

Jack Lambert and Donnie Shell tackling Calvin Hill of the Cleveland Browns.

Get this beautiful print here.

Freebie alert!

Karla has some amazing freebies available on her blog. But even better, she has some great freebie kits in her store as well. I used her Pastel Pleasures kit to make this new page of me and Lauren !!!

A pet peeve of mine....

Ok, my husband and I both have credit cards with a 'company whose name we will never say'. Both have zero balances, but we like to keep them in case of emergencies (like xbox 360 emergencies/spa or massage emergencies - you know that kind of emergency).

So, we frequently get calls from this 'C W N W W N S' and they want us to purchase this or that insurance, or this or that service that will automatically be billed to our card yearly! We don't need it so we always say no.

We started out by saying no politely... but now we are just jerks about it.

To add insult to injury, they now, apparently have these call centers located in some foreign country where they speak broken english.

PET PEEVE ALERT: I can not stand someone to call me who doesn't speak English!

Now, that is not the worst of it.... if you do call me and are trying to sell me X, Y, Z AND you don't speak English, don't tell me your name is JUSTIN or FRED or THOMAS! It freakin is not ! Do you think I am that stupid? Do you think that will make me want to buy your bullshit? It doesn't, actually it makes me want to make you feel like an idiot.

Typically, I lure them into some converstation, egging them on and acting like I might buy their shit and then, I start talking really fast (they can't keep up) or use words they never learned (that catches them off-guard).

But now that this has gone on for a few months, I am bored of it. Now, I am just plain ol' mean and nasty to them.

Especially when I answer the phone and there is a long ass pause..... (computer connecting), then I hear in a thick ass accent, "Michael?" - no, idiot, I am a female; I answered the phone with my female voice! So I scream back "NO!", then they usually say, "Is Michael there?" to which I scream again, "NO!" ... they just get all flustered and hang up!

Damn, I hate that!

My big girl...

Well, little MJ is getting to be a big girl. She is in her little 'big girl' panties with the Wiggles on them. She loves them. I can't believe we are just about done potty training her. I am so glad that its almost done. I am already dreading doing it again with Lauren!

Mike and I were just talking yesterday about how her face isn't a baby face anymore, its more like a little girl's! My goodness, I just had her, what seems like, five minutes ago! Time just is flying by. Her gaining her independence from me (potty training etc.) is a blessing and curse, because I feel sad that she isn't my baby anymore.

Here is a scrap page done with three of MJ's pics to show how much she is grown!

New job

Well, I am now the proud owner of yet another jobby job to add to my collection. Seriously, I do have a lot of things going on, but never at the same time. I like to spread my shit out so that all can get a piece of this........

Ok, enough of that talk....

Seriously though, this is going to be great (I hope)... I told them I would think about it for a day or so before committing, but I am pretty sure I am going to do it.

I will be an online teacher for students who need tutoring or help after school. It is a great program free to any student in America who goes to a school who hasn't reached AYP (annual yearly progress) under the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Act. Of course, they have to have access to a computer, and be willing to commit to a time to be online connected with a teacher, with both a interactive notebook/pen, headset and mic. Hmmmm, well, I guess that leaves out the majority of my 'urban' kids.

But, I can't NOT take a job just because of that, so I think I am going to do it. No lesson planning, just being available for answering questions and helping them out ! Its only going to be about 10-15 hours a week, and I am online anyway! I may as well be earning money and a new blurb on my already-too-many-pages long resume. But resumes are a topic for another entire post (maybe tomorrow).

I am still awaiting CCAC's schedule for next semester, and I can't commit to any times for tutoring until I know when they have placed my courses. I am hoping to have a few classes really roll this time because its easy money, and I love teaching computers at the college level.

We shall see I suppose, I will keep you posted.

Fond holiday memories from my childhood.......

I was chatting with a childhood friend on myspace for a few minutes today, but I have to say that anytime I talk with old buds, I am flooded with memories of them.

So, today, I was remembering the very elaborate haunted houses we used stage in Faye's parents basement. I was only able to do this a few years, but her and her brother did it every year religiously, if I remember correctly.

When I say elaborate, I mean various rooms were created using string and sheets, costumes were made and with the haunted house was equipped with strobe lighting and us forcing people to put their hands in bowls with jello and bouncy balls and telling them they were eyeballs, LOL!

I can only imagine the clean up required when all was said and done !

Another memory that has been lingering close lately was the things we did with the girl scouts. I remember at Christmas time, we used to go carolling at nursing homes. I really can't wait for my girls to be old enough to do this kind of thing. I remember how good it felt afterwards, and seeing the little old ladies and making them smile.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

G, H, I and J

Sharing more of the ABC book!
I love scrapping older pictures of Madelyn... man, do they make me realize how time just flies by. We have no control over it; in just a blink of an eye, its gone!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Let me set the stage.......... We are at my moms, and she hasn't gone to the potty in awhile. I call her to see if she has to go, and of course, she says no. I tell her we are going to try anyway, and she says no. So she is on the potty, and I am trying to explain to her that I am the one in charge (funny in itself).

So, I ask a question in the form of a sentence in true teacher style, "I am the mommy and you are the............." - pausing to wait for the correct answer.

and she says "super sleuth."

All I can muster up is, "Yes, you are a super sleuth, peanut!"

The end of dancin' schools

I love the way MJ would say it, "its tuesdays, after nap time for dancin schools". The way she would be the extra 's' on words was adorable. But somehow, she has become actually frightened of going, so this was our last month of dancin schools. I am definitely sad about it, but hey... she is two!

I just wanted her to be around kids her own age, and to have fun. I know she did, but I think she can't handle the build up to it. If we could just go any day, and not be scheduled, she might have been able to go. Oh well, she couldn't be in the 'big' show at the end of the year anyway, because we are going to Hilton Head for one of my best buds wedding.

Here is a scrapbook page that I made on her very first day of dancing school. She had a bag that she called her 'pack' and she was so excited, she started to talk about it so early. She still had her pj's on!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A blog that has my undivided attention...

I hadn't realized that a good friend (originally from good ol' Pee Aye), had a blog until today. I do think I knew at one point, but you know how links get 'lost' in your 'favorites' amongst some ridiculous websites you swore would become a daily visit ! Yea, I am pretty sure that is what happened.

But today she shared with me her blog, and I read, and read, and read..... and so on, and so forth.

All I could think was WOW! Not that I didn't think she was smart before, because of course she is smart... she is MY friend after all, but she really has a gift of thinking things through and writing in a way that has captured my attention. Probably because I think like she does, and vice versa.

Today's blog entitled, "Spendthrift" really has my mind going. I am not going to give you a run down, read it. But my thoughts are turning inward. I am so guilty of this mindless spending! I have always prided myself on NOT being a 'keeping up with the Joneses' kind of person, but in personal reflection, I am just that.

I often find myself in daydreams of a bigger house and more 'things'; things that are probably similar to things I already own, I just want new ones or different ones. Things are really important.

Similarly but no doubt less evil, I desperately desire MORE ROOM in my current home. It is for mere sanity, this I promise. But I so long to entertain people in my house, and we just don't have a lot of space. I love my house, I just want it to be bigger so that I can't enjoy it more with friends and family inside!

And on a side note, her blog makes my blog look ridiculous, selfish and very unintellectual! I hope that I gave her a chuckle while reading my blog !

Whats for dinner tonite? Act II

Ok, so I have GOT to cook tonite. Especially since Mike will be home for dinner tonite (YEAAH!). So I have ground meat, pork chops and some crap in the freezer.

A friend of mine sent me a recipe not so long ago for Smothering Pork Chops. I think I will go with that. I will let you know how it goes!!!!

Here is the recipe:

Smothered Poke-chops ( from Jenee )
4-thin cut, boneless pork chops, or thick cut pounded thin.
favorite seasoning (steak season, or some type of season all, or just season how you want)
Package or 2 of Brown Gravy mix
chicken broth

Heat 2 or 3 tbsp oil in a heavy skillet.
Season chops WELL.
Dredge chops in flour, and shake off excess.
When oil is hot, place chops in.
Let brown on one side, until almost burnt..You want them GOOD and brown.
Flip and repeat.

When both sides are nice and brown (don't worry about them being cooked through) take them out and put on a plate.

CAREFULLY add about 1 cup of chicken broth to the pan, water works ok too.
Now scrape all the browned bits of flour and junk from the bottom of the pan.

It may thicken up, it may not. Once all of the junk from the bottom is loosened up, place chops back in, turn heat to medium-low.

Sometimes it thickens up on it's own, if not, you can add cornstarch or extra flour. But I always opt for the gravy mix, It gives it some ooomph!

In separate bowl, mix water and gravy mix, and dump into pan with chops.

Cover, stirring occasionally. The longer you cook the moretender the chops are. You may need to hit it with some more seasonings. Up to you! I cook for at least an hour..Serve over rice!

YUM! We usually add a salad, and a veggie or two. Usually honey butter carrots, and some corn, or g-beans!

Purse party

Last weekend, I told Becky I would go with her to a Pampered Chef party. I do love their stuff, but the primary reason I agreed to go is because I have, over the years, drug her everywhere when I didn't want to go alone. Needless to say, I had to return the favor to her even though I really didn't feel like going.

To be honest, when it comes to going anywhere anymore... I usually don't feel like going. It's not the going though... it's the getting ready and getting there. I always have a good time once I get there! AH, but I digress!

So, we had a great time at the Pampered Chef party. I even talked Becky into booking one so that I can get all the stuff I want! I would rather she (or I) get the credits for it, if you KWIM?

This lady comes in and says that two doors up is a purse party. I have heard the term 'purse party' before, but was never in attendance at one yet! Basically, its a shitload of knockoffs (RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!) so I am putting my shoes on, with the quickness... to run up there and book a purse party! The scoop is that these ladies drive to NYC and buy them, bring them back here mark them up $10-15 bucks a piece and sell them at parties.

When I get there, I told the two ladies having the party that I had no cash on me (they only take cash), but that I wanted to book a party. She says thats great and to check out her stuff. Man, she had everything from Chanel, D&B, Coach, Kate Spade, Prada... you freakin name it. Bags, wallets, umbrellas.... everything! All between $20-80 bucks! I am thinking, this is a dream! JACKPOT!

I was sooo stoked that I was booking this thing! So, I head to the kitchen to give them my contact info. There were two ladies having the party. I don't know I guess they work as a team or something.... who knows.

I start to give them my information, the one lady was like ok, but I am not sure where that is. The other lady, didn't even listen and said "Nope, thats too far! We try to stay in the South Hills"... well, I live in the South Hills... so I tell her this. She then says, "Well, we don't like to go much past Peters Township"... so again I said, "My township is attached to Peters!" But she seems like stubborn, and not wanting my business. I am getting pissed. I asked if they lived around the area where the pampered chef party was held. They said that, get this, they live in VIRGINIA! So, you will drive to NYC for the freakin purses, you will drive to Findleyville to give the party... but you won't drive to my township? Getting even more pissed!

So, finally I say to her... "You know what, how about I give you my information, you google me, and let me know!".

When I got home, I was still burning with anger. Mostly because I wanted the freakin purses, but also because they would seriously made a boatload of money from me and my friends and family! Their loss, but I still have no purse ladies! So my loss too!!!

I called my sister in law, because somewhere in my memory, I remember hearing her talk about a purse party. I don't know why, I just assumed we were talking big money ones though. She checked it out and she knows someone who has a purse lady!!! Her prices are comparable as well!

So, screw you PURSE PARTY NAZIs! I got my own freakin purse lady. Hell, I might even become a freakin purse lady, so you can kiss the ENTIRE SOUTH HILLS AREA GOODBYE!

Ahhh, I feel so much better after having gotten that out!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Whats for dinner tonite?

With two days of delicious turkey dinners behind me (really behind me), I was at the store this morning parusing the meat section for a meal idea. Mike is working 2-10pm this evening so that always leaves me a little opening just to whip up some freakin hotdogs and mac n cheez for me and MJ. But, that isn't the healthiest or tastiest choice, so I was struggling to figure out what to make. Whatever it is, I have to make a plate for Mike for when he gets home so he can enjoy it too.

Well, I walked away from this post for hours. Now, here we are 8pm... no dinner! But I am the proud owner of the last Holiday Bundle XBOX 360 (Forza & Alliance edition) at Best Buy! The guy when I called said, 'We have seven left, so you better leave now!". So, I scrambled the girls to my moms at about 2pm and fled to Best Buy to beg them to take my money ! I can't believe I got the last one.

MJ will not sleep at Mimi's ... too much of a party for her! So no nap until we got home at 4pm, which means she didn't get up until 7:30pm... so we have a long night ahead of us.

While she slept, I did get alot done in the house. The furniture is moved but no Christmas tree up yet. I have everything ready.... but I am out of gas. Moving furniture by yourself sucks ass!

So, we ordered a pizza!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Giving thanks for a lot!

I know I haven't blogged in a few days, but I have been a big busy. Christmas shopping is almost done. I have a few more small things to get for Maddie and Lauren, but I am pretty much done with everything big! Maddie is very excited about Santa, so this year is going to be so fun! I am sorry if I am repeating this from a previous blog, but she said she can't wait to see him so she can give him a "big hug and say nice to meet you". Lauren, well, she hasn't a little clue but she is a happy little peanut !

Mike and I decided we are going for the XBOX 360 Pro for ourselves for Christmas. I really don't want or need anything currently (except an entire new wardrobe since my weight is still on the downward plunge). But no point in buying that until it evens off some. Anyway, we are pumped about it!!! Guitar Hero III, Call of Duty for him and Tetris and Zuma for me... can't lose!

Thanksgiving was great! Went up to my sister in laws for dinner number one, and then to my mom's for dinner number two. Of course, I helped to make the 'signature stuffing' at my mom's so it was kick ass! Deana made a killer dessert that was to die for - Death by Chocolate.

I have to say, I have so much to be thankful for. I have amazing family, a husband who is the sweetest, kindest man on two legs, two girls who are funny, sensitive and sweet, a great career, very close and caring friends, everyone is healthy, forgiving, sincere and thoughtful of one another. Ultimately, I am very blessed, and I know it.

I still wish I could hit the powerball, but that is another story!

I, of course, took a picture with my mom's camera on Thanksgiving that has a bizarre shadow/light/orb looking figure on it. I know it was my gramma just hanging around. Probably making sure my mom made cole slaw (even though she and my Aunt are the only ones who eat it). I still miss her so much on the holidays, and I did take comfort in seeing that picture knowing in the back of my mind it was probably her. I don't have that picture yet, but will upload when my mom sends it to me.

Here is a picture of the girls' from Thanksgiving Day!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here we go Steelers! Here we go!

It is Steeler Sunday here in the 'burgh. So in honor of that, I am posting a little list that a bud from NC sent to me! She is a true Steeler fan though, just because she lives in NC... that don't mean jack!

Just a few reasons why we, THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS, KICK ASS...

#1...Running back Willie Parker (my favorite Tarheel...tho he wont claim them) leads the AFC in Rushing yards.

#2 Our Defense leads the NFL in running and passing defense!

#3 Roethlisberger was named the AFC offensive player of the week (second time in his career)...yes thats right NOT Manning and NOT Tom Brady....but a STEELER quarterback. I'm guessing its because of that 30 yard touchdown run! YES my friends RUN...he didn't PUSS out (yes i said it) and slide feet first like most quarterbacks do!
Roethlisberger's 30 yds run for a touchdown... note the dive (not slide!)

#4 Tight End Heath Miller...Only his third year, but the man is 6'5"...He's a BEAST and he's a STEELER; 31 receptions and 421 yards...'nuff said!

#5 Regardless of what some say due to the superbowl and our WIN against the Seahawks...WE DO NOT CHEAT...Unlike the PATRIOTS!!!!!!!! A good quarterback isn't enough to win a game..."we're goin to spy on you from a box and find out your plays...then we'll radio them down to the coach and let him know so he knows what plays to call next." ASSHOLES!

#6 We dont need no damn Cheerleaders...our female fan base is the largest in the NFL...therefore we dont need the half naked chicks on the sidelines takin up space. (sorry boys...)

#7 What other team do you know has a song about goin to the superbowl??? or goin old school here, the Steelers Polka? If u dont know what I'm talkin about, look it up on limewire or something.

#8 In the game against Baltimore, Linebacker James Harrison won defensive player of the week, with 9 tackles, 3 sacks, 2 forced fumbles, and an interception....we kicked their ass 38-7!!!

#9 People who aren't even from Pittsburgh LOOOOOVE the Steelers. We are all TRUE fans...we are FAITHFUL to our black and gold win or lose!!! That's more than I can say for half the teams in the NFL...people say they are fans....but they dont care if they miss a game to go on a date (Steeler fans take their girls/guys to a sports bar on a date to watch the game) they turn their backs on their team when they lose (Steeler fans just fight the other team in the parking lot) lol just kiddin...but we dont turn our backs...we know we just need to cheer louder and drink more beer to get our boys more pumped for the next game!!!

#10 Screw BOTH the patriots and the colts...we can take em and we'll prove it! PITTSBURGH'S GOIN TO THE SUPER BOWL!!! HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!

But I want to mention a few things forgotten in this list or just reiterate! First off, any major city you go to in the entire country has a bar designated as a Steeler fan's bar! Secondly, in a recent poll the Steelers have the most female fans of any NFL Team, mentioned in the list, yes, but the emphasis wasn't there!!

Steeler fans are loyal beyond any measure, and the players know it! Players, past and present, speak words like honor, loyalty, tradition and legacy when speaking of our FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED franchise.

Our awesome sayings, songs and objects of affection like Steel Curtain, The Chief, Terrible towels, Worldwide Steeler Pride, Here we Go !!!

Oh and P.S. - > Steely McBeam is a tool, we DO NOT NEED A MASCOT. Click here to sign the petition to lose the lame ass at our games!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A quickie...

Last night was fabulous! I miss these girls so much ! It is so hard to go from seeing them everyday (or nearly everyday) and having everything in the world in common, to seeing them seldom and growing a little seperately from the group.

That is not true with everyone, and mostly these girls will talk about anything (just like me)! I didnt take alot of pictures (sooo sorry everyone!). But I will see if I can scrounge one of all of us from a previous get together!

Here is me and Jeanine and the babies we both had while in college !!

Here is me and Kelli just before I gave my speech !!

Here is all of us... just after graduation!

I love my gang!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I wonder........

Not that I care AT ALL, but I wish those of you who read this blog would at least leave a little hello, how are you comment or something behind. I find it a little un-nerving to think that strangers are reading my ramblings and not even saying so much as 'hey your daughters cute' or 'you are kind of funny sometimes'. My regular visitors, or my friends in real life comment to me personally on things I have posted or pictures, scrapbook pages and whatnot. But if I don't know you, PLEASE stay but leave me a little note! I know that some people whom I don't know personally are reading or at least visiting here and my Myspace. Believe me, I don't mind at all. I just wish they would speak. I am a very friendly person... truly!

Now that THAT is out, moving on to lighter subjects.
Here are some cute pictures of Lauren and Madelyn from today.

We brought the Jumperoo down from upstairs this past weekend, and I have been putting her in it a few minutes a day. Today was the first day she jumped for real, but only once... then her head started boinging around and she was more interested in eating and sucking on the seat. We think she is getting a tooth because it is hella drool-central over here!
This is Maddie's crazy curly hair after her bath tonite. So crazy, but I love it. I am seriously never cutting her hair because I am afraid the curly hair will go away!

Oh, and yesterday I was going through some pics and I found one of me and Kelly the very first time we met ! Here is us with the kids
Oh how I love my buds!

Speaking of.... I get another night away. Seriously, some of you reading this will be like...say what? But this never happens... Tuesday was the first night I was ever away from my kids. But I will be going tomorrow night to the Seafood Buffet at Seven Springs with my girls from college ! Oh, I can't wait. This crew is a rowdy bunch (well, I am probably one of the rowdiest, but I digress!). Should be a blast! Will post pics when I get back, of course.

Oh, I forgot. I attempted cereal with the Little One tonite. Interesting attempt.... here is the look she gave me. I guess we will be waiting a little longer on that !

Talk soon !

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Checking in!

Wow, I had the most amazing time with my buds in Grove City. We shopped, we laughed, we ate, we swam ... we just did what we do !

My friend A, K, and A who I met on an IV message board designated for women who were due the month of May 2005! There are more of us, but those were the ones at this particular M&G. It was just a last minute planned get-together that couldn't have gone ANY better. I swear these women were brought to me by some higher being just to say... you are not the only one like you out there!

These women are my kin, no matter our blood lines!

I had so much fun! I wish it could have last another day or two, but that is just impossible with kids, and careers and husbands and all the responsibilities that go along with all of those jobs.

I needed the laughs we had staying up late, giggling at ridiculousness! I needed the relaxation of the hottub... and of course, the headstart on Christmas shopping.

What I didn't realize I needed was to be measured for a bra! Hello, talk about wearing the wrong shit for awhile! Da-yum! I was way off. So they up'd my size.

Just kidding, thats not really my bra size... but pretty damn close!

So we bid our farewells to our Canadian buds... who we had a blast with comparing things there to things here! One thing is for sure, Canadian's like Heinz ketchup so that makes them alright in my book! They made it past border patrol without having to pay tax for their goods, so that was a bonus. Happy they made it home safe and sound! I really hope they make the trek again, it was so fun!

We took A to the airport but only after a quick trip through downtown so she could see the sights!

After that, Kelly and I were not ready to go home to the kids just yet. We wanted to savor that 'aloneness' ... 'eating a warm meal' ... no whining time. So we sat at Johnny Carino's in Robinson for about two hours (at least) just enjoying some Italian cuisine (it was awesome by the way!)

It was a amazing little excursion... so fun! I think last minute trips are the funnest, because there is no time to over plan, no pressure! Very relaxing!

Thank you for a great time everyone :) Can't wait to do it again!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My little fishy

Oh, how I love scrapping old pictures of Madelyn. Why, you may ask? Well, because time just flew on me. I can't believe she is already two and a half years old. I just had her like five seconds ago. Although it seems I can't remember what life was like before she was here.

I remember that just after she was born, it got incredibly hot here in Pittsburgh. I begged my parents to open their pool before we went to the cabin. They did, and I couldn't wait to get Madelyn over there. She had the most adorable tiny little swimming suit with cherries on it, and I searched for a hat and found one with cherries as well!

It was the funniest thing. I put her little toe in the water she picked it up so fast and made a very sour face... but the entire time she was fussing I lowered her slowly into the water. She was so busy holding that one foot up out of the water, she didn't even notice that her entire other leg was submerged.

We didn't stay in the water long, because I was fearful of sunburn on her little newborn skin. But it was a fun day I will never forget.

So, I decided to scrap this for my first layout as a creative team member for Karla's Kaleidoscope Designs!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Couldn't be happier!

As you know for awhile now, I have been skimming blogs of designers that I love for freebies and new products. I happened upon a designers blog about two weeks ago, named Karla's Kaleidoscope Designs. I loved her stuff, and she has great freebies! Her style seems similar to mine, so I started checking it out every day.

One of the days I surfed in, she had an ad up looking for creative team members. I never think that I should apply. I often think, that I am not qualified or just fearful of not living up to expectations. I really think its the fear of rejection I was worried about, because I think my layouts are great! Obviously, they are mine! But I have never been on a creative team before!

So today, I finally got up the nerve to apply. Her ad said no creative team experience was required so I went for it! I sent the email with a link to my most complete gallery. Within an hour or two, I got an email back from her! She has invited me to try it out for a month to see if if is something I want to do and if so, she would love to have me join on her creative team. I was just elated to say the least.

So, I am just about to write her back and accept ! I am so happy !!! Now if CCAC, would tell me my instructing schedule for next semesters computer courses!

Today's layout is one that I did for a quote challenge over at ! It is the view of a Fall sunset from my front porch! I saw the red sky behind those clouds, and had to grab my camera! That is not typical of me, but I felt compelled to do it!

Whoo hooo! Let's Go Steelers!

Well, yesterday I got to go to the Steeler game. That never happens. If you don't live in Pittsburgh, then you don't understand. Getting Steeler's tickets is NEXT to impossible. The waiting list for season tickets is over 10 years. I am not exhaggerating on that. So, if someone offers you some 'Stilla' tickets, man, you JUMP on it!

My good friend Andrea has four season tickets (she waited on the list for 13 years for them). Each year her hubby lets her have all four seats. She puts all of our buds names in a hat, and picks out three. I have gotten to go the last two years. I would have gone the last three years, but I was pregnant with Maddie and didn't want to be the 'WHAH WHAH WHAH' Debbie Downer sober-girl of the crew. Plus is was snowing and very, very cold out that year, so I elected to give my seat away.

What a blast we had! First off, the game was against our BITTER-RIVALS! Mistake on the Lake Clowns, oops.. I mean The Cleveland Browns. Now, I can say it was an awesome game. Not like first game we played against the Clowns this year where we made them look ridiculous. This game was neck and neck, we had to come from behind. Cleveland really played a great game, and was beating us out our style. Running the clock, pressure on the QB, forcing us to make silly mistakes. I couldn't have had a better time.

So, in honor of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I am posting my baby girl's LO from when we won the SuperBowl two years back!


Friday, November 9, 2007

d, e, and f

I realize this is two posts in one day, and damn I am not quite that good. But I am trying to finish this book by the end of the decade. LOL!!!

How funny!

I am just a freakin blogging retard (please don't lecture me on the use of this word.... you all know what I mean).

I have no clue how to change my theme to make it my own. I want a girlie, unique theme and all that jazz. Ah-hem.... I guess I better get someone to show me how. I don't mind asking for help, but you know some people have time issues as it is, and I would hate for them to spend all this time helping me, and then me let this whole blogging thing go or decide its a waste of my time.

Anyhow, I am going to work on that.

Today, when I logged in, BLOGGER a/k/a big brother knew me and A were friends somehow and let me become a contributer to her blog....which is fine, but she doesn't even blog there! Now I am gonna blog there. I have enough bullshit to dish for more than one blog, LOL!

So, the Cleveland Browns are in town for this weekends game.... Should be a great game! I am hoping to attend. A friend of mine has four season tickets and every year for a game she puts all of our names in a hat and picks three out. It is sooo fun! I can't believe its for the Brown's game too, that is so fitting!

So, I am still working on the ABC book for Maddie Jo! Which didn't start out just for Maddie, but I figured it won't exactly be fair since I only have three months worth of pics of Lauren... I better make her another one when she gets bigger. So, I have to change B is for Belly, because that is me when I am pregnant with Lauren not Maddie.... so I think I will do B is for Bubbles or B is for Beach for MJ!

Here are the A, B and C!
Credits to follow, I promise!
But, like I said, B will change soon!

Onto other subjects. I think I am going to start to stalk freebie blogs and post links here as sort of a freebie-stalker website for digital scrapbookers! Hmmm... we shall see. My time is getting more and more valuable as Lauren gets bigger and more active. Maddie Jo, well, she never slows down, but she is pretty accomodating!

Anyway, talk another day!