Thursday, January 31, 2008

Just terrible......

Again here is the warning about TMI: If you can't deal with stories about Poo - stop reading now.
So we are all traumatized here, and I don't even know how to explain this without just saying it. Maddie can't go. She has a bad hemerhoid, and some very hard stools so she has been holding it. This, of course, makes it worse and worse... and I have promised this little girl everything but a live pony to just go poo! So, I talked with the doctor about a week or so ago, and he said to give her two tbsps. of mineral oil a day. He said for me to put it in anything that will get her to drink it. Hello, she is two... she ain't gonna drink it! So, I put it in some juice. Well, it just coats the freakin cup, she probably is getting an eighth of what she should get.

Anyway, fast forward to last night. She just would go hide, and cry and squeeze her little cheeks together until the feeling of having to 'go' went away.. but it would come back. Finally, I got some little kid suppositories from Giant Eagle. It was just as traumatic for me as it was for her, but it worked within SECONDS. I felt horrible. Her little legs shook for ten minutes afterward, and she just cried and cried. I hated it, but I held it together until I was alone.. then I cried too :(

Tonite, here we go again. She is holding it, and I can tell she just won't go on her own, she is squeezing and crying because it hurts so bad. So I told her I was going to give her 'medicine in her bum' and she said with her saddest face 'why mama?' What is my answer supposed to be there? I felt like a villian in a Disney movie! But, again, I did it. And, again... it worked within SECONDS! It was awful, but she felt better afterwards. She asked if she could go to naptime :(
What a nightmare! So, it sucks to be us right now! I can't wait for her doctors appointment. I may call Monday if it continues this way.

So, I worked on a few layouts after the kids went down.

Here are two using Beckie Wallace's Flutterbye kit. Really cute kit... who doesn't love butterflies?

I used the Pooh quote so that I could use this layout for the January Quote Challenge at GDS. It worked out because they kids had on their Pooh outfits on the day we went to Kennywood for the Alcoa summer picnic!

This next layout was done with Beckie's At the Ballet Kit, which is my favorite kit right now! ((covered in a previous post)).

Now tomorrow, we are supposed to get KILLER weather: freezing rain and some sleet. Just in time for me to drive into work. I am the librarian tomorrow - hmmm, maybe I will wear my glasses low on my nose and put my hair in a bun. I do have crazy 'nun' like shoes that librarians often wear!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Actions, actions, actions

The real title for this blog should be, "Why Rachel's a subborn idiot, PART ONE."
The best decision I could have made was taking Amy Leigh's PSE course at GoDigitalScrapbooking. I am not kidding! I had been scrapbooking with ScrapbookMax for a year and a half, and loving it, but I wanted more. You know what I mean? I just needed to know the how's and why's of what I was seeing in everyone else's layouts. Not that mine weren't ok, they were... but I wanted to know how to improve. I guess thats the teacher in me.. I have a very powerful urge to know as much as I can about certain things. OCD perhaps!

Anyway, I got PSE and installed it in the Fall of 2006... and there it sat. I signed up and took Amy's course in October of 2007 ((shame on me for waiting that long)). I swore when I was done with the class that I STILL wasn't going to use it. It just seemed so complicated, and I didn't get any 'a-ha' moments where anything really CLICKED for me or didn't feel confident with it. I was able to motor right along with the class, but just felt like it took too long to do anything. This is where me being a stubborn idiot comes in.

So then, you can just go ahead and color me a stubborn idiot because I am here to tell you that now (in JANUARY!) the more I work with it, the more I like it. Today, I experimented with some new actions and I am in love, LURVE with PSE! It only took a year and a half!

Here is tonites layout. I used Karla's Cupid's Crush kit for this one. I love the rich red's contrasting with the pretty pinks.

This picture was taken at Mike's Christmas party at Alcoa. Seriously, there were a bunch of these pictures to chose from, and this was the best one. If I wait for the perfect picture of us - where everyone is looking - I may never have a picture to scrap of all of us together. And so it was scrapped..........

Monday, January 28, 2008

At the Ballet

Let me first say that this kit is amazingly unique. That is why I love it. I get discouraged when I see the same elements, the same style alpha /just a different color in kits. This kit is such a breath of fresh air....

It is new from Beckie Wallace - called At the Ballet (gee, wonder why I love it).

A little history for those who don't know: I used to be a ballerina. I started going to dancing school at the age of 5. When it was time for middle school, I asked my mom if I could audition for Rogers CAPA (Creative And Performing Arts school), and she said yes. I was accepted into the school and loved every second of it. If you are old enough to remember FAME the TV show... the school really was just like that. We really did sing songs on the bus to school, dance on tables and in the hallways. It really was like that.

When I was in eighth grade I auditioned for the Lynn Swann Scholarship to the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School. I lucky enough to be chosen, and so Lynn Swann paid for me to attend the school where I was able to study under the most amazing Prima's and Ballet Masters.

Also at Rogers, I was invited to be a part of their traveling Musical Theater group called the 'Melody Mates', where we traveled around to different events and performed a number of different showtune numbers. I guess this is where my love of musicals comes from. All during this time I was still in dancing school, and that was when we performed Jesus Christ Superstar as a dance/opera. We didn't sing it but instead each person would dance a role. Really great. I was Peter and my cousin Deana was Jesus! All these events were life altering for me!

I attended the High School for the Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA High) for one year, but I wasn't as happy there as I was a Rogers. So I transferred to a private school where I was a member of the drill team (the Rebelettes- GO REBELS!).

But graduation is where it ended for me. I don't know why, I guess because I thought that it was childish, really dumb I know.

It wasn't until my sister started twirling in college that we got the notion of starting our own dance team. We did! Becky and I coached the South Brook Middle School Dance team together for two years, we won the title in our division both years. But then I got pregnant and had Madelyn. That threw a monkey wrench into my time allotment, and that was in addition to student teaching! So, Becky does it on her own now with the help of some former team members, who are amazing helpers! Becky has consistently won every year - and the girls continue to improve. I miss dancing, I miss being a coach and wish I could help out more, but I hate to start things I can't finish.

Some of the girls who were on our team the first year we started it will be graduating this year (SAY WHAAT???) and dang, that makes me feel old!

PRIMA - using Beckie Wallace's AT THE BALLET papers and elements.

Potty training is a B****!


Normally I wouldn't have starred out the rest of that word... but it is in the title! So, I have been potty training Madelyn for about three months now. For the most part, she gets it. But about a month ago she started having some constipation/hard stool issues where it really hurt her to go. So, now that it has been resolved, she is still a little nervous about pooping - I guess because she is afraid its going to hurt again. Poor girl.

Well, I am sick to death of buying pull-ups. I want this girl in them only when she sleeps, so this morning... I asked her if she was ready to try the big girl underwear, and she said yes.

So far, so good... no accidents all morning and now she is napping.

Potty training is kicking my ass, and this has been the toughest thing I have had to do since becoming a parent ! Any advice from a 'been there done that' is welcomed!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sunday creative team layouts

This first one is made with Amy Leigh's Love, Tenderly kit. The kit is so awesome, I will probably do a third layout tomorrow, thats how much I adore it :)

This layout is the first one done with Karla's Cupid's Crush kit. Love this kit too. It is for Valentines Day, but could work with just any girlie theme !!

I love being on my creative teams.

My constant grocery store list...

I seem to go to the grocery store ALOT! I don't know if its me or what, but I am always there and always buying the same damn stuff! I really have a list that contains the same ten items, and it stays in my purse... although I have it memorized at this point, and my shopping cart drives itself through the same path in the store... I am just not even thinking about it like a robot, it just goes for me and I grab the stuff.

I want to jot down here the ten items that I get just about everytime I am at the grocery store... I invite you to send me your ten items list as well! I am interested to see how my list stands with everyone else's list. That is, of course, unless I am the only one who is constantly grocery shopping!


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Feeling.... B L A H!

Kindergarten was great, it was so nice to see my old class and catch up with some of my fellow teachers from my school. I miss it there alot. I love teaching Kindergarten, and it was alot of fun until after lunch.......... a had a girl 'get sick' not once, not twice but THREE TIMES in THREE DIFFERENT PLACES. I just couldn't get this poor little one to the bathroom quick enough. Fortunately, the classroom is large and so the 'ripple effect' I was dreading didn't happen, thank goodness. The janitor came and cleaned it quickly - with the weird but intriguing saw dust stuff. What the heck is that stuff anyway? But the kids were great ! Loved it :) I actually chuckled as I was walking to my car because I had such a good day. I guess the 'upchuck' would ruin someone else's day, but the fact that it really didn't effect me at all to mean that I still had 'it'... whatever 'it' is.

Other than that, it has been a long, few days... nothing major, just feeling .......... B L A H! Under the weather, tired, grumpy... you know.... B L A H!

So, here is a layout for tonite! I used Amy Leigh's new Love, Tenderly kit... and I can honestly say - this is one I would have spent money on :) I love the colors, girly, but could be for adults too! I just love all the elements, and have like fifty ideas in my head right now.

Here is the first one:

Next one, I did last night with Beckie's Dreaming under water kit. I was experimenting with a new curled edge action and I love it (as you can tell - I used it in both layouts today !).

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Teaching kindergarten

So, tomorrow morning I get to teach Kindergarten! Yay! I am so excited! I got a call today from the school where I taught last year and the K teacher will be out tomorrow. She asked for me :) I love that!

Oh, happy day!

I will report how it was tomorrow night- I will be very tired I am sure... but so worth it!

I am taking KnuffleBunny with me :) I can't wait to see all the teachers I was with last year, and show them the pictures of Lauren and Maddie. They are going to kill me for not taking her up there in September, but I hate interrupting classtime.

Anywho, I found out today that ALOT of teachers will be retiring in July. Hmmm, might be good for me ;)

Purse Party Part Deux


I couldn't be more stoked, and it only took, what? THREE MONTHS! Well, I got caught up in Christmas, the holidays, the girls and all that jazz.

Anyway, this is really going to be nice because my sister in law will also be hosting a SPA party during that time too. So you can buy purses, eat, socialize, get a facial and all in one party. It would be a blast, and I couldn't be more excited!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just a day...and a Maddieism

Well today was just that... a day! Very regular and quiet. I went shopping with my cousin Cheryl for awhile, and that was fun. However, Madelyn had no nap... so that made for some interesting moments.

Here is a Maddieism for the day. We went to the grocery store, and heaven knows this is feat in and of itself! So I had Lauren in my cart in her carrier, and Cheryl had Maddie in her cart. In the check out, they always give the little ones a helium filled balloon tied loosely to a safety pop-sucker. They make a big deal out of it and ask the kid what color they want, yada yada.

So we are both loading the groceries in the car and the kids are still in the carts, and we hear Maddie with her over-dramatic tone say, "OH NO! MY BALLOON ! IT FELL DOWN!"

Of course, it did not fall down... it fell UP, and UP and UP and it was gone.

We look at her and these gigantic crocodile tears come and she can't see it anywhere... she has no clue where it went! We are pointing in the air trying to show her that it floated away and she is just sobbing. She was still holding the safety pop so, apparently the ribbon just unraveled from it and off the balloon went to balloon heaven.

Needless to say, Cheryl went in and got her another balloon. I was all ready to let her learn a lesson about being careful with things people give you and, I guess a lesson about helium balloons in general! LOL!

Luckily for Maddie, Cheryl was the hero... and brought her back another balloon - and another safety pop.

Here is a layout I did today with some great photos of Lauren rolling over! She is all over the place right now, and babbling up a storm!
I used Amy Leigh's Going in Circles Kit for this one.

Also, I got some good news today. I found out that my Beautiful Smile layout is going to be featured in the GDS newsletter! How sweet! Also, Mrs. Wresh was unable to pick the winner for the "Letter to Me" challenge. They were all so good, so emotional and heart-felt, she said she couldn't say one was better than the next. So we all got free tin templates from her. Thank you again Mrs. Wresh! It was a fun layout to do - very different from my norm - and sometimes its nice to change it up some!

My letter to me...

As so challenged by Mrs. Wresh, I created my own 'letter to me'. If you don't know anything about this you should read my previous post. Here is a brief synopsis... in a Brad Paisley song entitled, 'Letter to Me' he talks about writing a letter to himself at the age of 17 from the present.

Mrs. Wresh challenged me to do this on her blog. Being in the retrospective mood that I am in as of late, I took on this challenge and here is the final project.

The letter reads as follows:

Dear Me,

You are probably really excited right now just to get a letter, but you won't believe this. I am writing you this letter from the future. I am you, and I am 34.

I want to tell you everything that happened in our life between where you are and where I am, but I can't do that. That would be taking away everything you have yet to experience, all the great surprises, hardships, and that has to include all the lessons I learned as well.

So instead of ruining it for you, I will just give you some advice.

First, keep your eye on the prize. That is to say, sometimes you can be sort of lazy. Don't be! You only have so many years on this Earth. Use them to see the sights, have experiences, put yourself out there and, for goodness sakes, just be yourself. If I remember correctly, it took you a long time to come out of your shell and when you did, you began to truly love life. Do it a little earlier! You will be well-liked as long as you keep being yourself and don't conform to fit in.

Secondly, school is important. I know you don't realize it now, but you are really smart. You won't believe how smart, and again, I don't want to ruin it for you, but you will surprise your high school teachers one day.

Next, forgive! It takes you a long time to forgive some people in your life that you feel wronged you. Don't make it all about you, they didn't wrong you, they wronged themselves and you were just along for the ride. They have spent a lot of time trying to make it up to you, let them off the hook.

You allow too many people free rent in your head! What everyone thinks about you isn't really important, but what you think about you is. Make yourself a priority, and stop trying to please everyone else. You don't need to be a doormat, people will be your friend because you are a nice person, not because you cater to their needs. This goes for boys too.

Oh yea, about boys. You will have some wonderful experiences and some bad experiences, and I got news for you, they overlap. They are all worth it. Don't spend time wishing your good times away to focus on the bad times, or regret any of it. You have to take the good and take the bad. It is all a part of growing up, and your heart will get broken. Broken hearts teach girls to seek out the boys that can give them what they really need. You will do that; trust me on this. There is a song by Garth Brooks called, "Unanswered Prayers", and you will understand this all too well someday.

Please, please, spend more time with your Grandma. You will wish you had more time with her later in life, so spend as much time as you can with her now.

I hope this letter doesn't upset you, because that isn't the intent. Ultimately, you will turn out to a wife and mommy, which is all you ever really wanted to be anyway. You will be happy, smart, funny, silly, dramatic and most importantly, you will love and be loved. That is the most important thing in life.
Love, You

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One quick layout

I did this layout tonite with Amy Leigh's Pretty as a Picture kit. I really love the colors in this. Vibrant - just what I needed today. Never did get to the challenge layout, but tomorrow is another day.

Today, I did about a kabillion loads of laundry. This requires me to match and fold socks - which to me is equivilent with going to the dentist for a root canal! I hate matching socks, so typically I throw them all in a small hamper and just deal until we none of us have any matched socks in our drawers. Well, that day come today! So, seriously, after the kabillion loads of laundry. I sat on the living room floor and sorted an even larger number (quatro-billion???) pairs of socks. But it is done now, which means I won't have to do it again for, oh... about a month or so (i wish!)

Here is my layout for the day :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Accepting a challenge...

Ok, after yesterday's rut, I woke up this morning with a new attitude. I have to lift myself out the silly self-doubt, pity, depressed state that I am in. No one can do that for me; I have to do it for myself.

So, the first order of business, The 11 day diet (a/k/a fatloss4idiots). I found some information online last night about changing the way your body metabolises fat, and I am going for it. After the nightmare weigh in I had... I need to bust a move and get on it.

Second order of business, is to shift some of my focus inward. I have to do a little soul searching to find where I am going. I can't have my cake and eat it to, although I try. I can't focus on family and career wholeheartedly without one of them getting the short end of the stick. I won't allow my family or home get the short end, at least not now when my children are so small and dependent. So, I have to find the balance, but remain stimulated in education and career enough to get through. I hope that can happen once my college courses start up.

Related to above, I got a few calls last night from sub services automated system looking for subs until the end of the year. I think the contract talks and negotiations have stipulated that in order for retirees to keep their benefits they have to retire by July. This basically means all the teachers who plan to retire have just been given a big 'better do it now' by the superintendent and in turn are going to use the remainder of their sick days to finish out the year, and retire in
July. So that may bring about a great placement until the end of the year, which would be nice.

Anywho, I was looking at today's freebies on my yahoo group and I came across a blog called Being Mrs. Wresh. She has a great challenge up right now inspired by Brad Paisley's song which says, "If I could write a letter to me".... she wrote a letter to herself at 17 from the present. Wow, it is a great challenge. I am hoping to do this today. It just looks really neat. Her's was very inspiring, uplifting and just put a little jump in my step today. It definitely put me a more retrospective mood, which is what I needed after yesterdays 'down in the dumps' day.
So, check out her challenge ..... don't forget to post it at DST and link it in the comments on her blog!

Housework and scrapping are how I will be spending my day... oh yea, and I little exercise too :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some stuff........

Well, I have been asked to be on Amy Leigh's CT on a three month rotation. I am super stoked about that. So I have been scrapping away for my favorite designers all week, hence no posting.

I will get better about that. Unfortunately, other than scrapping, I have been kind of down in the dumps lately. I don't know the whole reason why, I would love to blame it on PMS (which it could be), but I don't think so.

Man, right now... I weigh a ridiculous amount that I am not even willing to put on this blog. I have NEVER been this heavy (except pregnant... and I am not pregnant!). I put on a good front, but I think its because I feel like I am letting 'myself' go a little. I don't mean I don't care about my appearance or anything like that, because I do. I mean, everything I do right now is for my girls and my family. I don't have much that is just 'mine'. I don't really mind, but I guess in a way I feel a little sad about it.

In the meantime, all my girls from school are moving up and their careers are on track. Mine, well, its on hold a little. And I should tell you, that it is my choice that its on hold. I do want to be home with my girls, I do like subbing so that I have more time with them. I don't want to put them in daycare or burden Mike, his family and my family with watching them everyday.

I guess I am just confused; I don't really know what I want. Maybe I just put on a front of being so together and organized and busy, and in reality I am just falling apart inside a little.

Oh well, moving on to lighter topics. Here are some scrap pages I have worked on the last few days.

The first one is a scraplift from my friend in Alaska who has a daughter the same age as Madelyn. We met on a message board for pregnant women due in May 2005. She was the first one who got me interested in digi-scrapping. She did a kind of YEAR IN REVIEW page, and I totally stole the idea.

I used Doreen Stolz and Verena Karolyi's Fabulous Days kit. Available at GDS.

Second, is my first layout for Amy Leigh Fennell. I used her Crazy Kids kit! I love the colors. Also available at GDS.

Next, I used a new kit by Beckie Wallace called First Flight to make this layout. I never scrap with blues. I don't know why (hmm... could be because I have two girls!). But I had a great time with this one.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Love at first Sight

Beckie has a new kit out called BOY MEETS GIRL! It is so versatile! I love it! I took one look at it and knew what I was going to do with it.

First off, the torn edge -> right up my alley. I love kits that have the tears in the elements or papers already because I am not quite that advance that I can do it myself. I am still learning, and isn't that the goal of everyone? TO BE A LIFELONG LEARNER?

Anywho, that was a little off topic! My point was that this kit works for anyone!
Here is the first layout I made with it.

This picture was taken moments after Lauren was born. It was the first time I got to have a good look at her, and you can see her eyes are wide open. I like to think she is like, "HELLO MAMA!", but I know she couldn't see anything but bright lights. I remember thinking how pretty she was, and how she looked alot like MJ! I also was thanking the Lord I wasn't pregnant anymore!

My little Grasshopper

When I was Christmas shopping, I decided that the way to go with Becky was to buy her a gift certificate from the teachers store here. So, I went in to buy it and low and behold all their toys are buy one get one ! HELLO! JACKPOT!

So while I have no classroom of my own yet, I still have a pre-schooler who loves to learn. I bought all kinds of stuff for MJ. But here I am again, with nothing in my cart for Lauren. I decided to buy here the cutest little bug collection. It is a a clear plastic jug with a netting top, and it has four bugs in it. The butterfly's wings are crinkly and and spider has a bell inside, they all have tactile differences that little ones need for learning and growing. Anywho, it was so cute, I had to buy it.

Thank goodness I did. It is truly her favorite toy. But she even has a favorite bug, and it is the grasshopper. I don't know why, but she adores this thing! She carries it everywhere, chews on it and just hugs it!

So today, I scrapped it using Beckie's Sakura kit!!!

As a side note, I didn't move on in the GDS Supreme Team contest :( I am a little bummed, but I know that I am probably not cut out for that team yet. I love, love, love the CT I am on now with Beckie Wallace. She makes it so fun, and the group is a blast to work with. Everyone is so supportive and uplifting. I am truly enjoying this more and more each day!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Now that Lauren has been with us over five months now, I find it hard to remember what it was like before we had her. What I do remember as I read my myspace blog from when I was pregnant is that I wanted to spend as much time with MJ as I could before she got here. I will copy and paste that blog at the bottom of this post so you can read it. It really captured what I was feeling, and I tried to put that emotion into the layout I did today with Beckie's Frosted Windowpanes kit.

July 12, 2007 - Thursday
My time with Maddie
Current mood: thankful
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Now that this pregnancy is coming to an end, I am hearing a clock ticking in my head. Not the kind of clock you are thinking of, I actually feel just as young as I did ten years ago. The clock is a remind that my time alone with Madelyn is coming to an end. Soon there will be two little girls that I have to share myself with.

Now, for the past week or so, I have been just staring at Madelyn trying to memorize every feature of her face: her hazel eyes, her curly hair, her long eyelashes. I have been trying to cram as much into the time I have alone with her as I can. I feel a desperation that I can't even describe. I wonder if she will remember at what it was like when it was just mommy, daddy and her.

Well, she might not, but I will.

How lucky am I to be her mom? She has been the most amazing child (of course, I am biased). She just has something special. I don't know where she got it. I do know that she got my humor :) She got her daddy's eyes. She is sensitive and loving, funny and very polite. She is not shy (not even a little bit)... not sure where she gets that from, JUST KIDDING! She is an entertainer at heart. She is such a little individual already.

So, for the next week or so, I will be eating my cheerios at the little table with her even though it hurts my ass and back! I will be dancing to the Wiggles, even though it takes all the energy I have. I will let her come into bed with me when she wakes up in the morning and watch Sesame Street, just because I like snuggling with her. I will be sneaking into her room every night after she falls asleep just to look at her precious little angelic face.

I can't wait to meet baby Lauren, but will miss my 'alone' time with Maddie Jo.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

All kinds of good news this week.

Just on for a flash, but wanted to update you all on the good news I just received.

I just found out that my layout below - Dream, Laugh, Play will be featured in the next newsletter at GDS! Seriously, how exciting is that?

Next, I made it to Round Two of the Supreme Team Contest at GDS!

So excited!

How much more good news can one girl take! EEEK!

((Feverishly knocking on wood... this girl is clumsy and realized she may have jinxed herself by asking that question))


Every night when I put Maddie in bed, she will say to me, "Lay wif me mama?"

Who could say no?

So, I climb up into her bed and I say, "You first!"

She says, "No, mama, you first!"

So, I say, "Starlight, Starbright ....."

Then she says it too. "Starlight, starbright, star I see tonite, wish I might, wish I might, have the wish I wish to night... and then I pick one and I make a wish, mama"

Every night I whisper to her, "What did you wish for baby?", and she never answers me.

Until last night.

I whispered, "What did you wish for baby?"

She whispered back, "Mama, I wish for choc-o-lit."

A girl after my own heart I tell ya!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Beckie Wallace Creative Team

I did it. I made it onto Beckie Wallace's Goddesses! I am so excited, pumped, enthusiastic and just plain tickled that I got picked. I know she had an amazing turn out for her call and to know that I was selected really made me feel validated as a digi-scrapper.

When I saw the names of the others who were selected along with me, the wind was knocked out of me. These are the women I look up to, look to for inspiration and ideas and admire for their artistic creativity in scrapping. To be among them is an absolute thrill.

Thanks Beckie :) I won't let you down.

So to celebrate! A layout! I used Beckie's Free Spirit Kit to scrap my daughters looking lovingly into each others eyes. I am so glad I have documented this moment, and I can't wait to whip it out one day and show them that they really did love each other!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday blogfest

Well, it has been a very busy week for me recovering from the holidays, recovering from Mike's wicked holiday schedule, getting the toys unattached from those damn wires they use to put them in boxes and trying to prepare for my job corps courses.

I taught my first two job corps classes on Friday, and they were awesome. These students are the reason I went to school to be a teacher. I wish I could keep them for the entire semester, but alas, I am only an orientation to the real college (ROFL!). Those of you who know me, and went to school with me will understand that statement.

On to a different subject, I was able to complete some digi-scrapping stuff this weekend. I am happy to say so. I have a ton of stuff I should be doing for this weeks job corps courses, but I put it off and truly, I have enough. I just tend to over-do it. So here is the latest.

I like to call it 'My sleepy angel'. I took this picture on Christmas morning, just before Maddie got to nap. Can't you tell that she is just about to keel over? She is absolutely exhausted, and I was lucky enough to grab the camera just as she slid down the wall with her usual drama-filed sigh.

Credits: Karla's Kaleidoscope Designs 'Midnight Snow' Kit.
Font: CK Joannie

I will find out on Tuesday night (MY BIRTHDAY in case you didn't know) if I move on to the next round in the Supreme Team Contest at I can't wait to find out!

I also applied to be a member of a creative team for one of my favorite designers at GDS! Yikes! So exciting!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Recap - catch up - fly by post

I gave up ya'll. I just submitted my layout for the contest. I didn't even wait for any feedback. I couldn't take it any longer. I was up all night (as anticipated), thinking about what I could do. But it is almost like a test, if you haggle over a question and change it. I was probably the one you originally thought.

So, it is official submitted, and now I am wishing that I wouldn't have done that. But, alas, it is done.


Oh well, what is done, is done :)

I am teaching for the Job Corps for the next week or so. That should be fun.. I can not wait (no sarcasm... I mean it.) I will be on my ol' stompin ground down at the Allegheny Campus. Oh, the irony!

Anywho, talk soon. I am off to be with an old friend who lost her dad this week. It makes me think about how fragile life really is, and that I, too, will someday be in her shoes. This friend and I grew up together, and we lost touch for a long time. I am glad to say, we met up again while I was subbing at her son's school! It is just strange how people come in and out of our lives, and then reappear at certain times.

Ok, enough sad stuff! I am off. To lighten the mood, here is a funny video of Mike playing with Lauren the other night. Her giggle is so adorable and contagious.


It is a nasty, nasty thing to be a perfectionist. It is ridiculous, like an addiction of some sort. I wish there were some sort of program because seriously, I will be up all night for the next few nights thinking about this, dreaming about it, possibly even getting up over it.

I joined a contest over at that over 160 people are participating in. Why, do you ask? Because I am an idiot! I realize that I am not going to win this contest, but it will be enough to send me into a frenzy for a few days. God forbid, if I make it to the next round (GOODNESS, I may have to be tranquilized or something.)

I am excited about it, and it is a ton of fun, but I take everything to a dumb level that doesn't even need to be.

The idea is this. A designer gives everyone the same kit, and you have to submit a layout using ONLY that kit. The designers and moderators of the site vote, and decide who will move on to the next round. No templates allowed, no scraplifting... there are rules here!

With each round comes another kit, and another go round.

So here is the layout that I am working on. I have to submit it for the contest by 1/7 and seriously, I will be working on it until then. Tweaking and changing and modifying things to make it just so.

I would love to hear any critiques, thoughts or suggestions you may have on how I can improve my layout! I worked really hard on it so far.

Damn skippy

A new post to thank Cheryl for her incredible birthday gift in my pyzam widget at the top of my blog. She left me a lawn chair and referenced the best game ever! Now, you didn't think I was really NOT going to post this picture did you.