Friday, April 25, 2008

Maddie-ism -part who knows what

So my mom stopped over for lunch today and brought us some burgers and fries. We are all sitting at the kitchen table eatting and MJ knows something is amiss. My mom typically doesn't come over for lunch because she is working. We usually go shopping and then eat out somewhere. MJ always knows eatting comes after the shopping.

So we are sitting at the table, and she is quizzing my mom as to why she is at the house, are we going shopping... a million questions. Finally, my mom says, "Mimi is working today, honey. We aren't doing the shopping today -- so, Mimi brought you the eatting".

MJ looked at her, shook her head and said 'So, Mimi, what is it with this job and our shopping?"

My mom said, "I am so sorry that my job is interferring with our shopping."

MJ said, "thats ok, Mimi".

So, I guess Mimi will be quitting her jobby job for some more shopping time with MJ because apparently she doesn't get enough :)


Anonymous said...

Spent some time eading and lookin at the scrapbook pages. I am very proud of your talent. Even more proud of the tenacity it took to teach yourself. Also very proud of the awesome mom you turned out to be. Not that I didn't expect it. Proudest of allof the critical thinking skills of our two year old! She did some thinking there. And like her mom...said just what she thought!

Christie said...

Rach you have a very creative daughter! What a funny story.