Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New layout --- and an update

So I found out within the past few days that my cousin Deana is pregnant - I am so stinking excited I could pee my pants! I can't wait to find out all the scoop tomorrow. We are going to see her at her restaurant for dinner - the whole gang. With all the family disruption / parting of ways / basically written people off / dead to me stuff, we aren't taking the ones we have left for granted. We are all going to celebrate for Deana - and I just can't wait!

I made a layout tonite with Beckie Wallace's new Fairywings - which are beautiful. I just am not a master extractor yet - I am getting better, but I am still not great. Therefore, I am not sure if I really like how this turned out. I don't hate it, but I wish it were different. To be honest, I don't even know what I would change about it ! I guess I just wish I were better at extracting, but I will improve with time and practice!

Maddie is slowly getting better, she definitely is still on the mend - but is improving everyday. Thanks to all for your well wishes for her :)

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