Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday's rant-o-rama

Well, yesterday was Madelyn's 2 and a half year appointment, and Lauren's six month appointment. Both have past those milestones already, but this is when we could get the appointments.

Let me start by explaining that from her very first appointment, Madelyn was diagnosed with having vaginal adhesions. This where the vagina is fused closed by a thin layer of skin.

Well, its genetic, and I had hoped that we would escape it with Lauren, but alas - she has them too. Actually even more so than Madelyn. Can I catch a break?

I questioned for a long time if this was somehow my fault, or something that I was doing wrong, but the doctors always assured me that it was, in fact, genetic. So again, with my questioning yesterday came the answer - it is genetic. I guess I just want reassured.

So, since Maddie was born we have seen a host of different physicians, all within the same practice, all who give us different things to do about it. The first doctor said it would correct itself, the second doctor - who is kind of old school, told us to let her soak every night in a warm bath and try to manually seperate it. Ok, we did - and and it closed back up.

The next doctor told us to use Premarin cream on it, and that the hormones would open it, but that we needed to be careful with how much we use because she could grow little boobs! Uh, right - her dad would never go for that one! I would put it on her, and I was always using so little out of fear her starting to bloom early, if you know what I mean? So, I don't think it did anything.

The next doctor told us we didn't have to use that, it would open on its own and that we were worrying needlessly.

Finally, last visit, the doctor told us to continue to use the Premarin. That it could cause infection.

Can you see why I am freaking out now that my second daughter also has it? To add insult to injury the doctor says that Lauren's are actually worse than Madelyn's.

During yesterday's appointment, I saw the new doctor in the practice. She is young and vibrant. I liked her immediately, and I began with my normal barrage of questions about why this is happening to them, and if there is something that I am doing to cause this. Again - it's genetic !

So, she said that I can just leave it alone! She said that since the girls' are not producing estrogen this early in life, because they have no need for it, they will just continue to close. This should correct itself, and that I don't need to worry about it at all. ((deep sigh of relief))

Ultimately it comes down to this... I hate putting creams on my daughters that might make them develop early. I know this drives my husband bananas... he hates talking about it, thinking about it or anything about it. As far as he is concerned, his is NEVER putting the cream on them and is probably hoping that they will stay closed until they are married !

So, my answer - I am going to stop agreeing to see whatever doctor is available when I need my appointment, and see ONE DOCTOR! I want ONE ANSWER, and them to stick to it!

Whew! Ok - glad that is out!


Anonymous said...

Ugh Rach I'm so sorry it happened with Lauren too :( Sounds like the new doc is the route to go makes sense what she is saying. I hope they are both doing OK today after the shots! Hope to see you tomorrow!!

Christie said...

Awww Rachel how frustrating. I think it is a good idea to see one and only one doctor for both your girls. I hope you get all the answers you're looking for. :)