Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Day !

So, we all get a snow day today!!!


Ok, I love snow days. No matter how old I get, I still get excited to wake up, turn on the news and watch for cancellations and delays. Now, today is different because I actually have somewhere fun and exciting to go !


Of course, the snow would come today! The only day I have plans; the plans I have been waiting for three months now. The snow comes today. I should have guessed this would happen. You all know my luck, right?

So anyway - thats my scoop for today.

We took MJ out to play in the snow, because who knows when we will see anymore. Don't tell me there is no such thing as global warming - we had a 65ยบ day in the past ten days ! IT'S FREAKIN FEBRUARY! Then today we get snow - of course.

And when I was young there was a good chance we would get a blizzard on Halloween - this is our first REAL snow fall this year. We have had mild winters here for too long for it to be coincidence! Sorry, but I am with Al Gore on this one !!! Of course, when I was younger they would have never cancelled school for a day like today - we would have been out at the dang bus-stop shivering our tookus'es off waiting as slush was sprayed onto us by passing cars, I am just sayin!

I will post some pics of MJ playing in the snow in a bit!

1 comment:

D said...

Hopefully the snow melts enough throughout today so you can still go to Lion King. It is worth braving snow for! snow days are a blast!