Saturday, March 29, 2008

Missing my hubby

Well, my hubby has been away at an EMSI conference since Wednesday and, man, do I miss him! He isn't far - just at a ski resort about an hour and a half East of us. The thing is that typically it is me and the kids who go away, and leave him home, like when we go to the cottage. Well, I know how he feels now.

So, last night he called to see how everyone was doing and it turned out that he hadn't made dinner plans with the guys. I decided to take a drive! So, I left the kiddos with my mom and I drove up to see him and have dinner on a whim. I decided all of this at like 3pm. Of course, he is at the resort that has the ALL YOU CAN EAT SEAFOOD BUFFET on Fridays. But to be honest, we could have sat in his hotel room and had pizza for all I cared.

Sidenote: we did have the buffet and it was kick a$$ as usual.

Here is a layout I did of Lauren and Mike while he was gone :(

Credits: Beckie Wallace Boy Meets Girl kit.

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