Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Actions, actions, actions

The real title for this blog should be, "Why Rachel's a subborn idiot, PART ONE."
The best decision I could have made was taking Amy Leigh's PSE course at GoDigitalScrapbooking. I am not kidding! I had been scrapbooking with ScrapbookMax for a year and a half, and loving it, but I wanted more. You know what I mean? I just needed to know the how's and why's of what I was seeing in everyone else's layouts. Not that mine weren't ok, they were... but I wanted to know how to improve. I guess thats the teacher in me.. I have a very powerful urge to know as much as I can about certain things. OCD perhaps!

Anyway, I got PSE and installed it in the Fall of 2006... and there it sat. I signed up and took Amy's course in October of 2007 ((shame on me for waiting that long)). I swore when I was done with the class that I STILL wasn't going to use it. It just seemed so complicated, and I didn't get any 'a-ha' moments where anything really CLICKED for me or didn't feel confident with it. I was able to motor right along with the class, but just felt like it took too long to do anything. This is where me being a stubborn idiot comes in.

So then, you can just go ahead and color me a stubborn idiot because I am here to tell you that now (in JANUARY!) the more I work with it, the more I like it. Today, I experimented with some new actions and I am in love, LURVE with PSE! It only took a year and a half!

Here is tonites layout. I used Karla's Cupid's Crush kit for this one. I love the rich red's contrasting with the pretty pinks.

This picture was taken at Mike's Christmas party at Alcoa. Seriously, there were a bunch of these pictures to chose from, and this was the best one. If I wait for the perfect picture of us - where everyone is looking - I may never have a picture to scrap of all of us together. And so it was scrapped..........


D said...

Love the new look to your blog and the new photo! Beautiful!

I love PSE too. I need to get to know it better- do some tutorials. Also in PSE 6 there's supposed to be a way to merge photos so you can combine the best of your each person in your 14 photos into one family photo. :)

Anonymous said...

Looks great and I'm SO glad you are loving PSE....now to get you over to using PSCS2 muahahahaha!

The new blog look is awesome too girlie :D

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Holly from GDS! I just happened to find my way onto your blog and saw you made wonderful mention of AmyLeigh's class....very sweet of you and it's music to my eyes!

Take care,