Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday blogfest

Well, it has been a very busy week for me recovering from the holidays, recovering from Mike's wicked holiday schedule, getting the toys unattached from those damn wires they use to put them in boxes and trying to prepare for my job corps courses.

I taught my first two job corps classes on Friday, and they were awesome. These students are the reason I went to school to be a teacher. I wish I could keep them for the entire semester, but alas, I am only an orientation to the real college (ROFL!). Those of you who know me, and went to school with me will understand that statement.

On to a different subject, I was able to complete some digi-scrapping stuff this weekend. I am happy to say so. I have a ton of stuff I should be doing for this weeks job corps courses, but I put it off and truly, I have enough. I just tend to over-do it. So here is the latest.

I like to call it 'My sleepy angel'. I took this picture on Christmas morning, just before Maddie got to nap. Can't you tell that she is just about to keel over? She is absolutely exhausted, and I was lucky enough to grab the camera just as she slid down the wall with her usual drama-filed sigh.

Credits: Karla's Kaleidoscope Designs 'Midnight Snow' Kit.
Font: CK Joannie

I will find out on Tuesday night (MY BIRTHDAY in case you didn't know) if I move on to the next round in the Supreme Team Contest at I can't wait to find out!

I also applied to be a member of a creative team for one of my favorite designers at GDS! Yikes! So exciting!

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