Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Trying to catch up...

I have about five hundred things going through my head right now. I think I may go nuts! I am behind on everything: scrapping, laundry, housework, shopping ! Did you notice that scrapping came first? Well, to be honest, it doesn't really come first - I do need to feed and cloth my husband and children first! And, although I am not as much of a neat freak as some people I know, I do have a little 'issue' with things being out of place. Even if its clutter, my clutter all has its place! The first thing I do when the kids go to bed is put everything back in its respective spot!

I hate disorder, and that is not to say that my house isn't a cluttered mess at times- but I do know where EVERYTHING is at all times. I also really hate folding laundry - which I know I have covered before, so I put laundry off at all costs! I know some people swear by doing one load a day, but that would be cruel and unusual punishment in my book. I would rather spend an entire day, once a week doing it than drag it out like that! I understand the logic behind their decision to do it that way, but its not my gig - that's for sure!

So, I did get the house cleaned, specifically the kitchen and bathroom. I finagled my hubby into getting Chinese for me for dinner under the rouse of 'We didn't go out for Valentine's Day'. It actually was a rouse, we just haven't had time - but I did get Chinese out of the deal, so you won't hear me complaining.

We also bought our Backyardigans LIVE tickets today - and I think Mike and I are more freakin excited about this show than Madelyn. Actually, I don't think it I KNOW IT! We both saw the commercial, looked at each other, and I dove towards the computer with credit card in hand! He was like GET AS CLOSE AS YOU CAN! Honestly, I think we would go without Madelyn, but we would look ridiculous - so, she can come too! ROFL!

Here is the lone layout I did today! It is from a new kit from Amy Leigh called 'BRILLIANT BLOSSOMS'. The colors in this kit are fabulous and vibrant. It just made me think of summertime, and when I think of summertime - I think of being at the Lake. So, thus came the layout entitled "Afternoon Nap".

This is my sister trying to get MJ to nap, I remember that it was way too hot to ask her to go up into her room in her pack and play for a nap, but there was no way she was willingly going to stay on the couch either. So, my sister just held her until she fell asleep :) What a nice Aunt Bee!

My goal was to scrap three pages today ! I may still get one more down by bedtime, since I took a wee-nap today ! But, I had to because both kids got up in the night last night and I didn't even lay down until 2am, then MJ was up at 3:30am, and Lauren was up twice - once at 2:15am and once at 4:30am. YIKES! What is going on? I think they get all out of whack when I work.

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